In The Kitchen - Breakfast/Brunch
March 1, 2021

MaMaw's Cinnamon Rolls

A taste of home and history with this classic breakfast roll.

8 min read

Any time I make cinnamon rolls or biscuits, I think of my Mamaw and Mom. Mamaw had a way with homemade bread - she'd make buscuits the size of your hand! And while growing up overseas, Mom started a Chstimas tradition that blended memories of her mother's homemade bread and the Influence of the British colonies we lived in - tea and cinnamon rolsl celebrated the arrival so Sinter Klaas each year - A tradition we still keep.

Cinnamon rolls to me mean home, welcoming and warm. Their sweet smell always fills the kitchen with scents of Joy and draws family in to gather round and visit as they wait for the gooey goodness.

MaMaw's Cinnamon Rolls

20-24 rolls
Prep Time
1 hr 30 min
Cook Time
28 min
Total Time
2 hr

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  • 1 medium
  • 2 small sized bowls
  • Mixer
  • 9x13 baker or 2 round bakers



  • 6 - 6 1/2 cups flour (bread flour is best but all purpose will work.  I use King Aruthur flour)
  • 4 teaspoons yeast
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon salt
  • 2 Tablespoons shortening (or vegetable oil or 4 Tablespoons butter)
  • 2 1/4 cups warm milk


  • 1 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 4 tablespoons cinnamon
  • 3/4 cup butter, melted


  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 4 1/2 cups powdered sugar



  • In a small bowl, add the yeast to the warm water and set aside.
  • In the mixer, add the dry ingredients.  Once the yeast has begun to foam, add the water to the dry ingredients slowly with the mixer on low.
  • Once combine, change the attachment on the mixer to the kneading attachment and knead for ~ 5 minutes.


  • In a small bowl, melt the butter for the filling.  
  • In a separate bowl, combine the sugars and cinnamon, and set aside.


  • Divide your dough - each half should make ~12 cinnamon rolls
  • Roll the first half into a rectangle ~ 1/4 inch thick.
  • Brush the melted butter from the filling onto the rectangle of dough.
  • Sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar mixture onto the dough.  
  • Starting from the long edge of the rectangle, roll the dough tightly into a long cylinder.
  • Cut into ~10-12 rolls and place them into a greased baker or baking pan.
  • Cover with a sheet of greased Saran-Wrap and allow to rise for ~30-40 minutes.
MawMaw's cinnamon Rolls pre-rise
  • Preheat the oven to 350 F and cook for ~22-26 minutes.
  • Allow to cool before icing.
  • For the icing, combine the mixing ingredients and drizzle on top.  You can also ice the rolls with a cream cheese icing like that on these pumpkin spice sticky buns.
MawMaw's cinnamon Rolls on table
MawMaw's cinnamon Rolls on table with gift


  • Have a little fun with the shape of your dough for the holidays by turning your ‘rolls’ into Easter bunnies, hearts, and more.  
  • To form a bunny, once you’ve rolled your dough into a large rectangle and coated it with the filling, cut it into strips about 2 1/2-3 inches wide.  Roll each strip into a cylinder (ie you’re making mini versions of the original).  Bend the roll into a U shape and twist it twice to form the bunny body
  • To form a heart, once you’ve rolled your dough into a large rectangle and coated it with the filling, roll the rectangle from the long side as you would typically do, but stop when you roll to the center of the rectangle. Then, rolling from the opposite side, roll the remaining half of the rectangle toward the center.  Cut the dough into about 12 pieces (each piece should resemble  the shape of a palmier).  Pinch the bottom of each piece to form the point ot the base of the heart.
MawMaw's cinnamon Rolls easter bunny twist
  • Don’t have tons of time between work, cleaning the house and keeping up with kiddos? Use store bought frozen bread dough.

I hope they brighten your table and your day.